Ooh! "Sassy Christmas fairies"! I think it is safe to say that these are really, really weird. The fairies are perched in teacups, and are holiday ornaments. Whose genius idea was that? The Bradford Exchange's, of course. I have to wonder what goes on inside their offices. Since I have no idea, I have to make do with made up conversations of how I think they decide on what their new products will be. For example: "New junk to sell? Um.... we'll do something holiday themed because Christmas is only 6 months away.....oh, like ornaments.... I know! There'll be neon clothed creatures with wings that we'll brand "Christmas fairies".... and they'll be in teacups! Perfect!" My other theory is that they just make this Pin the Tail on The Donkey game, except instead of body parts they have random phrases among them "teacup" and "fairy."
The company has managed to convince me that these fairies are a "superb value", as they are only $9.99 each. However, you have to buy them in sets of 3, so there goes that "value" if you're in the mood for an item highlighted in Crap or Treasure.
P. S. Whatever way you look at this, you have to admit that "sassy Christmas fairies" is really fun to say out loud. Try it.
P. P. S. I just went to www.bradfordexchange.com and typed in "jasmine becket- griffith". I dare you to. It's pretty....interesting. I am fascinated with the pink unicorn thingy. What one intrigues you?
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