This is the first ad I have come across with no paragraph trying to sell it to me. www.GiftsForYouNow.com sell customized t-shirts that you can bestow on the people you love (to terrorize). Blank's Little Honeys. Blah. Swarming around the sugary title are little bees and the names of grandchildren. I personally wouldn't spend $14.95 for a t-shirt when I could make one for a lot less! All I would need: a shirt, fabric transfer sheets, some clip art, and a computer handy to put it all together. Grandmothers are probably more likely to keep it if you make it yourself.. I can picture the honey shirt disappearing into the back of a closet, or maybe used as a rag. i could be wrong. Maybe your grandma would love it.
Doesn't this remind you of Granddaughter, You're my Honey Bear, my very first post? Which of the two items would you rather have?
P.S. After I loaded the photo, I realized that this shirt isn't just for grandmas! You can put any title in the blank!