To raise funds to cure breast cancer, it seems that people have resorted to selling you cats.
Not real cats of course. Just white ceramic ones with "believe" written in pink across its stomach, along with butterflies and pink ribbons. I have the ad for the cat in front of me. Would you believe that the figurine above is only 4 inches tall! Also, at $30, "a portion of the proceeds from the sale of each figurine will be donated to finding a cure for breast cancer", yet they don't tell you the amount. I think that it should be required that companies tell you how much they donate when selling items like this. What if they only give a few dollars, and you are left buying a $20-something cat?
I like how the ad says that the cat is "a cherished companion." Yeah...... My best friend's a ceramic cat. You gotta problem with that?
What do you think?